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Flash Floods Happen

Flash Floods Happen

Imagine that you're driving down the road, minding your own business, when out of nowhere a torrential storm hits. Rain pounds relentlessly on your windshield, making it nearly impossible to see. Several of your fellow drivers slow down or turn on their hazards while others pull over to wait it out.

Umbrella Now A Must!

Umbrella Now A Must!

Lawsuits are a thing, and they are here to stay. People will file suit at the drop of a hat these days. Most people carry and average of $100,000 per person and $300,000 per accident aggregate for other persons you may injure. But note, $100,000 is available per person. Those limits are not sufficient in this day in age for even average losses.

The Rental Car Question

The Rental Car Question

We have been advising people on rental car insurance for years. It is the single most asked question I get as an insurance agent. Do I buy the rental car coverage? The answer is a resounding YES, buy the rental car companies insurance offering. Since shortly after the pandemic hit rental car companies have started charging clients who have had an accident in one of their vehicles loss of use while their rental car is in the shop being repaired. What does that mean?





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