Rental car coverage on your auto policy, what does it cover and what does it not cover? If you carry full coverage on your car rental car coverage is vital. The purpose of rental coverage is to replace your car while it is in the shop due to physical damage from a claim. It replaces your ride while your car is being repaired. That does not include when your car is in the shop for mechanical repairs of any kind. This is only in the event you suffer a covered auto loss on your auto policy. This is not the coverage that applies if you rent a car, I'll explain that in a later post. If you add rental car the average depending on the limit, you choose. Some people choose sedan, some small SUV, and some buy luxury rental. You or your agent should choose and a replacement that would be close to what you are used to driving. There is also a per claim maximum limit for this coverage. You can't just rent a car forever. They run into parts delays, too bad. If your policy shows $50 per day allowance with max of $1,500 per loss that's what you have and no more. If you need a car should your car, be in an accident and need to be in the shop for repairs, you must have this coverage with an average cost of $40 per year per vehicle. Having rental car keeps the claim process moving so you don't skip a beat while your car gets repaired. Never want you to have an accident, always want you to have rental car coverage in case you do. - Heather Harris

Heather Harris
I’m Heather Gibson Harris, owner of Brookson Insurance, which I started in 2009 after a career as a claims adjuster for personal home and commercial insureds. My career has been my passion for many years, especially my time in catastrophe claim work.