Underwriting is changing in this rough insurance market. Carriers are being much more critical. If you have more than one at fault in the last five years you are looking at a very tough rate environment. If you have more than one home claim, you'll be finding tough home insurance pricing as well. My best advice to clients in a market like this is to evaluate the damage you have on your home or auto before filing a claim. That is just the hones truth of it, insurance is not meant to be used for every possible thing. We all pool our money together to pay out all the claims in our regions. When claims are at this high point it is too many people claiming too many times. And I've seen it catch up with people who have three home claims and two autos in the last five years and then wonder why they can't find affordable insurance. Insurance was meant to be for catastrophic loss that would cause huge financial harm. I'd think twice about the tiny claims, because a claim, is a claim, is a claim, regardless of payout. And they count everything they see. Repetitive claim filing is not a good underwriting risk. In turn, insurance companies now offer roadside, towing, and things that promote small claims payout and usage. In their endeavor to offer more coverage year after year they too have purchased some of the overuse problem. Be cognitive of what you are filing and have a discussion about the longer-term effects multiple claims on your ability to carry standard insurance.

Heather Harris
I’m Heather Gibson Harris, owner of Brookson Insurance, which I started in 2009 after a career as a claims adjuster for personal home and commercial insureds. My career has been my passion for many years, especially my time in catastrophe claim work.