I'm hoping the title was dramatic enough. Now is the time to quote your auto insurance and here's why. In 2020 we saw reduced usage on vehicles and insurance companies were loaded with profits. Their response to the profits was keeping your rate the same, or giving you a small discount which is fantastic. However, if you have been with your carrier at least 4 years you could be saving way more money on your auto insurance. When you onboard with a new insurance company they throw on several discounts that are meant give up front additional discounts. The problem is, these discounts roll off one by one over the course of just a few short years and you are paying full rate again. If you run into any trouble like a ticket or an at fault accident and your discounts are rolling off this can have you paying way more. Since the base rates are lower than they typcially are, if you shop your insurance you'll get the benefit of that reduced rate and all the discounts for being a new client piled on top of that adding to the savings. This is truly a fantastic time to quote your auto insurance. It's why I love being an independent agent, meaning we have several carriers to provide way more coverage options to our clients. We get a better overall view of what several companies are doing with their rates. This year I've been so excited watching how each company is giving this discount or natrually reduced rate because of the lower vehicle use in 2020 because of Covid. This benefits my clients and their friends directly. I don't care who you are with hear this advice and shop around. I think this will be my favorite piece of advice this entire year. The savings can really make an impact for a family. Just yesterday I quoted someone in my own book of business and saved them $800 over last year with a new carrier we have. I saved them when they moved to me and saved more. It's amazing what you can do for people if you invest in knowing what you can do for them matters. This is my best 2020 tip if you want savings, now is the time. The world is opening and it is time to hit the road loaded with discounts.

Heather Harris
I’m Heather Gibson Harris, owner of Brookson Insurance, which I started in 2009 after a career as a claims adjuster for personal home and commercial insureds. My career has been my passion for many years, especially my time in catastrophe claim work.